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Futures Made of Virtual Reality Now

Futures Made of Virtual Reality Now

気づけば今月ももう残り一週間! 😯
Virtual reality (VR) has more of an audience than ever with the emergence of innovative ways to capture its potential. Headgear from the likes of Oculus and Google has been a benchmark in the progress of this field. However, due to the lack of VR programming veterans and big name backers VR businesses were non-existent.

The very first time I demoed VR was at the AWS Summit in 2015. Along the wall at the DevOps venue there were some finished products displayed from that day’s lunch time hackathon(a collaboration event fitted around a theme completed in a short period of time). One incorporated a smart phone, a headset, and a previously mapped out area on a piece of carpet. It was there the program executed the code. Once the program began, you could throw fireballs from your hand to destroy some little crystals that generated on the designated space. You used your entire body to attack, collect health, and dodge attacks. It was a fun little demo!
Video games are taking VR in a whole different direction as demonstrated at Tokyo Game Show 2016. They had a space dedicated solely to VR that showcased new content for this technology.
VRは小売業界にも見られます。今年の前半、ハンズラボは、エプソン様と展示ブースを共有する形で「リテールテック」に出展しました。ブースの周辺を歩くと、いくつかの場所でVRのデモが行われていました。 そこでは、動作認識技術を用いて、ユーザーの手の動きをデモに組み入れていました。 ユーザーは、仮想空間でキッチンのカウンタートップを上げ下げしたり、キャビネットや器具を組み替えたりすることができます。家を建築したり改築したりする人にとっては便利なツールですね!
VR is also showing up in retail businesses. Earlier this year, Hands Lab presented at the Retail Tech Show where we shared a booth with Epson. As I wandered around I found some VR demos. They were using a motion capture system and incorporated the movement of the user’s hands into the demo. The user could manipulate parts of a kitchen such as raising and lowering the counter top and rearranging the cabinets and appliances. This seemed like a handy tool for anyone building a home or looking to remodel.
8月は、ハンズメッセ(東急ハンズが開催する年に一度の大バーゲン)でオンラインストアの利用者数が急激に増加したことでデータ量が増大しましたがIT側で特に問題は発生せず、無事に終了しました。ビジネスを前進させるために、企業は新しいテクノロジーを進んで導入する必要があります。 ビジネス前進の実現に、VRが貢献するかもしれません。
In August, Hands Messe wrapped up quite nicely from the IT side despite the sudden influx of data from online shoppers. In order to keep business moving forward there is a strong push for businesses to try new technologies. Perhaps VR can provide a way to make this happen.
小売業界の巨人「Topshop」や「Tommy Hilfiger」は、顧客がVRを使って最前列でファッションショーを体験できるイベントを開催しました。VRで顧客をより強くブランドに引きつけるのは堅実なマーケット戦略です。小売業のカテゴリーを考え直せば、新たな商品のカテゴリーが生まれるかもしれません。物理的に制限されたことが簡単にできるようにもなります。体のサイズをアップロードすれば自分にピッタリの水着が簡単に見かり、自宅にいながら「試着」できるようになります。造船所に足を運ばずに船の状態を確認したり、世界中の友達と一緒にウェディングドレスを試着したりすることもできるようになります。
Retail giants like Topshop and Tommy Hilfiger used VR to give customers a front row seat at their runway shows. Using VR to get customers more connected to brands is a pretty sound marketing strategy. Reimagining the retail categories will lead to new product categories. Items that have a physical restraint will now be easily accessible. Simplify the hunt for the perfect swimsuit by uploading your measurements and “trying it on” at home, check out a boat without going to the shipyard, or try on a wedding dress with your friends despite them living all over the world.
Not only will this experience be simplified, but it will be customized as well. Each brand will have a personalized environment with unique content. As the price falls for this technology, it’s not hard to imagine VR being a household item in a few years. Until then, there are still many uses left to discover in this relatively young industry.
Oculus Rift向けのアプリ/ゲームを開発したい人およびデモをご覧になりたい方は、Oculus Rift勉強会および、VR Game Jam in Japanへご参加ください。
