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Staying Healthy in a Sedentary Lifestyle

Staying Healthy in a Sedentary Lifestyle

高いっ!7月以来台湾に行こうか考えていたけれど New iPhone >> 旅行 (苦笑
“If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.”While this quote is from The Princess Bride, I have found myself referring to it time and again since changing jobs.
Once an active English teacher for kindergarteners, changing to the sedentary desk job of being a programmer has changed my lifestyle and my attitude towards being physically active.
Not gonna lie, I was tempted to hit the gym hard after noticing a stiff back and getting winded from climbing the stairs to my apartment building. Going hard isn’t always the best approach so through trial and error, I’ve found some ways to stay active with very little effort.

For beginners:

The Healthy Programmer Get Fit, Feel Better, and Keep Coding by Joe Kutner is an amazing book that breaks down how to take care of your body. It outlines simple exercises you can try out as well as explaining the mind set to be in when you approach these methods. If you happen to be a modern sports-oriented person, most of the suggestions are pretty well known. It’s a great starter book for changing your life in little phases.
Joe Kutner著書「ヘルシープログラマーは、元気で、楽しく、それを習慣化する」は、自分の体をどのようにケアするかを分析説明している素晴らしい本です。簡単なエクササイズにまとめられていて、これに取り組む際の取り組み方の説明だけでなく、実践することができます。もし、あなたが現代スポーツ志向の人ならば、この情報をよく知っているかもしれません。これは、段階的に自分の生活を変えていきたい人が読み始めるには、素晴らしい本です。

At home:

The 15 sit-ups/push-up a day challenge
Work outs at home are one of the best way to keep your body strong. Also, working out after learning is great for boosting your memory!
Try this challenge yourself or if you need a more structured calendar, try this 50 push-up challenge.
15899764ecb8333d1b9a70b6b2dde0d9Sleep Cycle alarm clock app
An intelligent alarm clock that finds the optimal time to wake you up during a 30 minute window. It gives you a graph of your sleeping patterns and the snooze button time progressively gets shorter as you hit it. After a while of using it, my body started automatically waking up at the desired time despite the time I went to bed at!
自動設定できる目覚まし時計は30分の間に最適な時間を見つけてあなたを起こしてくれます。そして、睡眠パターンをグラフで表したり、スヌーズボタンを押す回数を飛躍的に減らします。 しばらく、それを使用しているうちに、私が今まで寝ていた時間にもかかわらず望んだ時間に自動的に目覚めることができるようになりました!

At work:

Take more breaks; people were meant to move. Get yourself an automated notification to get up every hour and move your eyes away from the screen every 20 minutes. Take that time to stretch or go outside. Your body will thank you later! I’ve been using Eyeleo on my desktop, and have noticed that I haven’t felt as run down at the end of the day. Here’s a great site about managing your breaks.
Don’t make excuses! This is your health, your body we’re talking about; if you want to change it’s up to you to make it happen. Just don’t be “that guy” at the gym.
